Bugs That Love Your Bathroom

The kitchen and loft are the most well-known places for pests to live. But there is another room in your home that can attract insects too. The bathroom. The constant moisture creates the perfect environment for bugs that can thrive in and around water.


This is one of the most common bathrooms bugs, because they love moisture. They live in areas with high humidity, and are most commonly seen around drains. Silverfish can move all around the house, so can be really difficult to treat.

Drain flies

Drain flies are commonly seen around the sinks of the bathroom and kitchen. They like to feed off the gunk in the pipe, and once they are mature they fly up out of the pipes. To prevent these pests from invading, you have to remove the build up of waste in your pipes, and fix any leaks as soon as you notice them.


Cockroaches absolutely love moisture. Many people have been startled to find cockroaches clinging to the walls in the shower or bathroom. They will usually be seen crawling around at night. Cockroaches probably won’t have found their way in through the bathroom, but will have snuck in from another entry point around the house.

Water bugs

These critters are a type of cockroach, expect they live in water. Once they enter your home they will seek out sources of water, which is why you might find them in the bathroom. Eliminating cockroaches and water bugs requires professional pest control, because they can enter your home from anywhere.


Constant moisture in the bathroom can cause mould, and with this mould comes mites. They reproduce quickly and produce allergens that some people have reactions to. The source of the mould needs to be removed quickly to get rid of the mites, and once the mould is removed you will need to keep moisture under control.

 House centipede

This is the only type of centipede that lives inside the home. They like to hang out in undisturbed areas, but will end up in the bathroom because of the moisture.

Professional pest exterminators can help to treat your home, and then you can take precautions to prevent any future infestations from reoccurring.